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10 tips to motivate yourself to clean

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  • Tips

For many of us, cleaning is a chore we love to hate. Finding the motivation to clean your home can seem impossible. If you struggle to find your cleaning mojo, here’s 10 motivational tricks to get yourself into cleaning mode! 


1. Invite friends over 

There is often pressure for your home to be perfectly clean and tidy when having friends and family over. So why not put this pressure to good use? Let it motivate you to clean and then sit back and enjoy the compliments. 

2. Make a to-do list 

Writing all your tasks down in list form can help you organise yourself and work more efficiently. Also, the act of crossing off a completed chore is strangely satisfying and will motivate you to try to complete your list.  

3. Buy new appliances and products 

Everybody loves something new. Treat yourself to an exciting new cleaning product or appliance, like the Vacmaster Joey, and you’ll immediately want to rush home and try it out.   

4. Make your own cleaning products 

Making your own cleaning products is surprisingly easy. There’s lots of tutorials online. Not only will it save you money and help protect the environment from harmful chemicals, but it will also provide some excellent cleaning motivation!  

5. De-clutter 

Clutter can be your worst enemy when it comes to cleaning. Moving clutter is time consuming and can often be a huge distraction. To avoid this, try to maintain a clutter free home with easy access to all areas for cleaning.  

6. Music 

For many, the most essential thing while cleaning is some lively, uplifting music! Music can distract you from the monotonous chore of cleaning and can lift your mood while you do it. So, pick a playlist, and let the music carry you through your daily chores. 

7. Reward yourself 

Having something to look forward to when your chores are complete is one of the biggest motivators. Make a deal with yourself, set yourself a goal and if you complete it, you can indulge in a treat.  

8. Set a time limit 

Challenge yourself by setting a time limit for your cleaning. This could be setting a timer on your phone and completing your chore before the time runs out. Or, you could even use ad breaks on the TV to complete one task per break.

9. Get it over with 

Getting an unpleasant task out of the way early in the day will free up the rest of your day. This will leave you feeling happier, without the weight of cleaning hanging over you.  

10. Make a day of it!  

Nothing brings people together like cleaning! Although there are other things you would rather do with your friends and family, cleaning does have the potential to be fun.  


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